Keynote Speakers
Ratko Magjarević, Ph.D.
Title: Challenges of Biomedical Engineering – Research, Industrialization, Sustainability
Leandro Pecchia, Ph.D.
Title: Applied Biomedical Signal Processing and Intelligent eHealth for falls prediction in the elderly
Dejan Milosevic, Ph.D.,
Title: Attoscience
Werner Mäntele, Prof. Dr.,
Title: Spectroscopists do it with Light: Development of Optical Sensors for Medical Applications
Hervé LIEBGOTT, Ph.D.,
Title: Ultrasound advanced imaging: beyond anatomy
Mustafa Kahramanyol, Professor emeritus from Gülhane Military Medical Academy, presently Consultant at Kent ENT Medical Centre, Ankara, Türkiye
Title: The Gülhane Mastoidectomy
Atilla Aydinli, Ph.D
Title: Advances in Plasmonic Detection: Plexcitonic Crystals
Dragan Primorac, Ph.D.,
Title: Personalised medicine: myth or reality
Title: 17 years of high-level education in Medical Physics for Eastern Europe
Mark Bale, Chair of Bioethics committee of the Council of Europe
Title: Emerging technologies and human rights: what are the challenges?
Mario Medvedec, Ph.D.
Title: Vision and Provision of Clinical Engineering Division - CED/IFMBE
Damir Marjanović, Ph.D. Head of Genetics and Bioengineering Department, International Burch University
Title: Automation of the Forensic DNA Analysis Procedures: Advantages and Challenges
Zijad Džemić, Member of Board of Directors of European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET), Institute of Metrology of Bosnia
Title:National metrology institute for Quality of life