Name: Damir Marjanović

Status: Ph.D., Full time Professor, Scientific adviser

  • Academic and scientific degrees:

2005 Ph.D. in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Sarajevo.
2002 M.Sc. in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Sarajevo.
1999 B.A. in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Sarajevo.

  • Work experience:

2014 à Scientific research assistant Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb.
2014 àFull time Professor International Burch University and Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo
2012 – 2014 Scientific advisor, INGEB, Sarajevo, BiH.
2009 – 2012 Senior scientific (PhD) research assistant, INGEB, Sarajevo, BiH.
2005 – 2009 Scientific (PhD) research assistant, INGEB, Sarajevo, BiH.
2002 – 2005 Senior research assistant, INGEB, Sarajevo, BiH.
2000 – 2002 Research assistant, INGEB, Sarajevo, BiH.

  • Additional engagments:

Since 2005 reviewer for several scientific and professional journals.
2012-2013 Minister of education and science, Canton Sarajevo
2010, 2011 Consultant for OSCE (Education of Kosovo DNA Forensic experts).
2008 – 2013 Consultant, Director of Scientific Research Department, Genos, Zagreb, Croatia.
2007 - 2008 Consultant, Scientific assistant, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb.
2006 - 2007 Forensic DNA Expert (category III), European Agency for Reconstruction.
2005 - 2007 Consultant, Scientific assistant, Institute “Ruđer Bošković”, Zagreb, Croatia.
2004 Court expert in the field of forensic (court-medical) genetic (Courts of BiH).
2000 - 2003 DNA Analyst, International commission on missing persons - ICMP, BiH.
1999 - 2003 Transport assistant - transport section (OHR).

  • Selected projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina:

P.I.: Analysis of Effectiveness of STR DNA Application in Determination of Siblingship among the Descendants of a Single Parental Couple within Isolated Human Population; DNA Analysis of Archaelogical Skeletal Remains from Desilo, Bajovci Site (funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Science of BiH); Creating a Representative DNA Database of Canton Sarajevo - Phase II (funded by Ministry of Science, Education and Youth of Canton Sarajevo); DNA Analysis and C14 Analysis Method of Archaeological Skeletal Remains Dating from Zgošća and Bobovac Sites (funded by ART-SEF); DNA Analysis of Skeletal Remains from Mass Grave, Škofja Loka, Slovenia (funded by Škofja Loka).
Associate: Molecular-Genetic Characterization of Human, Animal and Plant Resources in BiH - Phase I&II (P.I. Kasim Bajrović, Ministry of Science, Education and Youth of Kanton Sarajevo);
DNA Identification of Remains of War Victims in BiH (ICMP);Examination of the Genetic Diversity of Local Human Population in BiH; Forensic DNA Services Establishment at INGEB.

  • Selected projects in Croatia:

P.I.: Application of DNA Analysis for Food Tracing within Livestock Breeding and Food Industry (funded by Croatian Institute for Technology); Development of the Archeological Skeletal Remains DNA Analysis System (funded by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia (no. 309-1300855-2738)).

  • Organizational skills and competencies: Coordinator, organizing, program and

scientific committee member of 8 workshops and 8 conferences.

  • Research interests: molecular anthropology, forensic and population genetics

  • Teaching experience: Since 2004 - Assistant, Assistant Professor, Associated and Fulltime Professor in University of Sarajevo, BiH; AAB University, Pristine, Kosovo; University of Split, University of Osijek Croatia.

  • Mentorships: Graduate thesis (46), master thesis (17), doctoral dissertations (4).

  • Memberships in Professional Organizations and Associations:

International Society of Applied Biological Science (ISABS), European Network for Life Sciences Health and the Courts (ENLSC), Genetic Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina (GENEBiH), Croatian Society for Science and Art, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina Medical and Biological Engineering Society.

  • Awards: 2011 Scientist of the Year in Bosnia and Herzegovina („Zlatni pečat“)

  • List of publications:

Author's books (4); Book chapters (8); Journal articles and review articles in CC,WOS,SCOPUS journals (46); Scientific papers in other journals (19); Conference reports (abstracts) in CC journals (9); Abstracts in Book of abstracts (93), cited (May 2014) – WOS 221, SCOPUS 199.


































